Sunday, March 16, 2014


The death of a loved one can't be easy. I know it can't.
I loved my dog. Really, he was a big part of our family. He did everything with us. Running, biking, camping, hiking, you name it.
The closest experience that I've had with death is when he died. It was such a sad time. He died in the summer after a long healthy life. He literally went on a long run with my dad the day before he died. When he did, it seemed so dramatic. It was pouring rain and we all bawled as we buried our close friend. I can't wait to see him in heaven.
If I felt that sad when my dog died, I can't imagine how it is to lose a family member. It happens all the time. People get cancer, they get in tragic accidents. Many things are not in anyone's control, and they are gone just like that. When I imagine if something like that happened in my family, I am motivated to treat them better. What would I want to have last said to them?
Just like we are told to live every day as if it's our last, I think we should also treat everyone as if it was their last day, or ours.

1 comment:

  1. Love this.... I really love how you convey the importance of appreciating others' lives and experiences as much as our own. beautiful
