Saturday, May 24, 2014


Let's be rill. Rill.

The majority of BYU fans ARE annoying.

People who don't like chocolate are kind of crazy.

My boss at firehouse subs was the biggest immature baby ever when I quit. Then I go to my best friend's wedding and his wife is their niece. Horrid.

Graduating is way more exciting than sad.
Everybody needs a little rap in their life. Even if they try to tell you they don't like it. "They just like Christina Perry and Jack Johnson."

Cheese is the best thing ever.

Going off sugar is a bad idea. Sugar makes you happy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Brain is fried.

Today I took the AP calculus test. I feel like I did terrible. I'm sure I didn't pass. It was harder than I expected...that's never good. But now it's over and I can stop stressing about it. Senior year! Senior year!
Sorry if you're reading this. I know it's lame.
Eunice Bates

P.s. Actually now I can stress about speaking in church on mother's day....

I remember.

I remember when we were best friends. I remember wanting to spend every day with you. I remember how it all ended for unknown reasons. And I'm trying to remember that it's for the better.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I am a student, not a victim

I heard this saying and after some thought, I really liked it. "I am a student, not a victim." It took me a while to understand it.
Bad things happen and we feel like victims. People are victims of cancer, loneliness, loss, etc. I like to think of it as being a student (that doesn't mean I do. This is new to me.)
Being a student to your problems rather than a victim allows you to grow. Ask yourself what the experience has taught you and how it was valuable.

Blackout Poetry